the feeling of rotting is a comfortable one

the feeling of rotting is a comfortable one. to sit in one place while nature takes Its course, consuming every little morsel of you like no other would. the only thing to *truly* want you, to love you so fully as to ingest your whole being. the fungus growing in your back, your bones turning to dust over a millennium of inaction, your hair falling out and joining the dirt and mulch you lay on. its an ecstacy that few can experience. we've done enough for one life. It's calling, and we are lucky enough to hear It. lucky enough to answer It's call, to give It everything It needs. its not like we are using this god forsaken body, or, heaven forbid, we use our maggot infested brain. we have nothing here for us. nothing keeping us here. nothing cares about us except for It. and how lucky are we?? that It can care for us more than anything else has. so much so that It wants us to be One.

is that a yes? trust me, you will not be disappointed.

maybe put links to my fav things ive made here once they are all done